We provide our clients with the services of acceptance, consolidation, inspection, additional packing and labeling of goods and equipment.
+ 25.8%
increase in the scope of warehousing services at Transitplus in 2023
  • 100%
  • 5
    own warehouses
  • 7
    types of packaging for
    goods and equipment
We gathered all warehousing services required by the clients into a single convenient tariff.
This allows our clients to be certain in integrity, proper quality and reliability of the goods packing.
The service includes
Goods acceptance and consolidation
Goods inspection
Additional packing, palletizing
Our company offers a number of substantial advantages when it comes to warehousing services. See for yourself:
We have advantages in providing warehousing services
1000 +
clients chose warehousing services of Transitplus

    We provide our clients with a wide range of services, from the goods inspection to their packing and labeling.

    We inspect the cargoes and labeling before every shipment, which excludes the chance of false declaring.

    We have our own warehouses in Russia and China with Russian-speaking employees.

    at the company’s disposal
    We consolidate the clients’ goods at out own warehouses free of charge as part of warehousing services.
We know all details of goods and equipment warehousing services in Russia and China.
​​We know all the nuances of providing warehousing services and share our experience
We share our experience in these answers to frequently asked questions by TransitPlus’s clients.
  • I know what exactly I need to have delivered, how do I find a Chinese factory?

    Our company provides the services on searching for goods in China and selecting suppliers. We can find exactly what you need based on a statement of works from you (photo, description, material, characteristics, important aspects, what to pay attention to while searching, goods quantity).
  • How can I be certain that the factory is real and has been on the market? What if the plant does not exist?

    If necessary, we can arrange a specialist’s visit to inspect the manufacturer, make a photo report, request constituent documents.
  • How do i know that the goods are suitable for me?

    Prior to shipping a commercial batch we can arrange delivery of product samples from the factory so you could check the quality.
  • How do I communicate with the manufacturer if I don’t speak Chinese?

    We can help with that starting from the stage of negotiating the conditions of your cooperation with the Chinese factory. It is important to settle all matters at the earliest stage so there’s no issues during the goods manufacturing or transportation.
  • I found a supplier, how can I be sure they won’t send dummies instead of the goods? Or what if I order 20 units and they send only 10?

    We can inspect the goods before shipping, either samples or the entire batch. This can be done at the factory warehouse or our consolidation warehouse. It all depends on the client’s wishes.
  • How long has Transitplus been involved in delivering cargoes from China?

    Our company started operations in 2007 using a small office in Guangzhou. Today Transitplus is a leading company in international business that has been providing a wide range of trade and economic and transportation services with China for over 17 years.
  • What kinds of transport do you use to deliver the cargoes?

    Depending on the task assigned, we can use all types of transportation: by air, road, railroad, sea, combined methods of cargo delivery.
  • What is your rate for 1 kg?

    We deliver the cargoes taking into account the customs processing in the Russian Federation (with full customs processing as opposed to «cargo» delivery), each calculation is prepared individually taking into account all relevant factors (goods type, weight (in kg), volume (in m3), number of cargo items, loading address, delivery address).
  • What are Invoice and Packing list?

    Those are documents provided by the factory. Invoice is an invoice for the goods payment, Packing list is a consignment note specifying the cargo details (weight, volume).
  • What is the difference between «cargo» and «official» delivery?

    «Cargo» is a non-official delivery method commonly used by Chinese suppliers to deliver cargoes for private persons. The major of the many disadvantages of this method include the unavailability of closing documents, no cargo tracking, multiple transshipments along the route, consequently, high risk of cargo damage or significant delays. This method also is not suitable for legal entities. Delivery with official customs processing excludes these risks and disadvantages.

    Additionally, the delivery rate for large shipments (from 1000 kg) is even lower than for the «cargo» delivery.

  • Where are your Chinese warehouses are located?

    There are a number of warehouses for cargo consolidation, in each case they are selected individually (to avoid additional transportation detours). We can deliver the cargo from any point in China to any point in the Russian Federation.
  • How can I find out the current cargo location during transportation?

    A designated specialist from the cargo support department is assigned to you upon concluding the contract, who will inform you upon request on the stages of the transportation and carry out complete unloading control.
  • Do you deliver cargoes only on the condition that you carry out customs processing or can I engage a third party customs broker?

    If you have your own broker, we can provide just the logistics services.
  • Do you provide closing documents for accounting?

    We always provide closing documents to confirm performance of our obligations. We don’t transport undocumented goods.
  • How do I pay a Chinese counterparty if I don’t have a foreign currency account and I don’t want to engage in international business?

    In this case you might consider cargo delivery under our contract. We conclude a supply contract with you between Russian legal entities, and the contract with the factory will be performed by us. This would enable you to pay in the Russian Federation without engaging in international business and to obtain all documents for your accounting.
  • Is 100% prepayment of all services necessary?

    The cargo support department specialist issues invoices only as and when such expenses are incurred. We don’t need full prepayment, but we don’t work on the post-payment basis either.
  • Why can’t you immediately tell me the comprehensive rate for the cargo delivery and customs processing in a phone call?

    There is a number of specialists involved in the resolution of the specific task on the cargo delivery and customs processing (sales department manages, customs applicant, logistics specialist, certification specialist), this is why we prepare a calculation in the form of a quotation within 24 hours upon receiving all input data.
  • Do you have a formula so I could calculate the delivery cost myself?

    Such formula may only apply in case of «cargo» delivery. In the event of official delivery there’s multiple factors that influence the calculation, this is why it is prepared individually by qualified specialists. We select an optimal route, transportation method, study all underlying potential problems associated with the goods, select the TN VED code.
  • What is TN VED code?

    The customs authority classifies each goods according to its customs code, which determines the customs duty rates, import VAT and charges. Our customs applicant selects it based on the goods description provided by the client. The more detailed is the description, the more correct is the code.
  • The provider gave me a HS code, is it the TN VED code?

    The HS code is a code of the international harmonized system of commodity coding. EEU uses the TN VED code. These codes are often similar on the level of the first 4–6 digits, but there are differences in the rules of selecting a code. Additionally, Chinese suppliers may select incorrect codes. This is why we always do it ourselves.
  • I have the goods weight but I don’t know the volume. Can you properly calculate without knowing the volume?

    Cargoes can differ. For example, it can be heavy metal pieces or cotton wool. 20 tonnes of metal goods can be loaded into a container, but the cotton wool will not fit into a single container. This is why it is very important for us to know the cargo volume, the number of cargo items, to be able to correctly perform our calculations.
  • Why do you ask the cargo cost? Is it relevant for for the delivery cost calculation?

    The customs charges are calculated based on the cargo cost. If we don’t know the cargo cost, the customs charges can be unpredictable. The calculation also always includes insurance that depends on the estimated cost of the batch in China.
  • What does cargo insurance cover?

    The insurance covers the cargo loss, damage during transportation from the moment of its receipt to the moment of its delivery to the client.
  • Chinese suppliers pack goods in cardboard boxes but the cargo is fragile. Can you perform additional packing at your warehouse?

    Yes, we can do put the goods into crates, on pallets, pack with film or into wooden boxes. It depends on the cargo type and your preferences.
  • Do you only work with legal entities?

    Yes, we perform transportation of commercial cargoes for legal entities (LLC, individual entrepreneurs).
  • If I have 5 suppliers, I need 5 different shipments?

    We can consolidate all cargoes at out Chinese warehouse to send them in one batch. In this case you can reasonably optimize your logistics expenses.
  • Do you ship branded goods?

    Yes, it all depends on restrictive measures according to the law, availability of an authorization letter for import, inclusion of the brand into the list of goods that can be shipped as per the parallel import scheme. Each case is considered individually.
  • Do you transport hazardous or oversize cargoes?

    Yes, transportation of these types of cargoes is also considered individually depending on the task and capabilities.
  • Can I ship a small cargo in a separate container?

    Of course you can. Any task is doable if your funds are unlimited, but the main question is if it’s reasonable.
TransitPlus is your reliable partner in cargo transportation from China and South-East Asia.
TransitPlus is your reliable partner in cargo transportation from China and South-East Asia.


Выстроенная экосистема нашего бизнеса позволяет решать задачи без помощи посредников и предлагать оптимальное соотношение цены и качества услуг.
Алексей Николаев
Генеральный директор

Компания в цифрах

Надёжный партнёр в транспортировке товаров

Our global presence covers half of the world and is constantly expanding.
of logistics activities
of Transitplus
in Russia and China
We are ahead of your expectations thanks to our well coordinated work.
cargoes delivered
ahead of schedule
on staff
in the company
13 253 000
tons of cargo we delivered
to Russia in 2023
of logistics activities of Transitplus
in Russia and China
cargoes delivered
ahead of schedule
EMPLOYEES on staff
in the company
Filing customs declaration for new clients
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